Monday, March 11, 2019

Healing with Jin Shin Jyutsu

Jin Shin...What?

I know. I had never heard of it either until recently. Under a fortunate sequence events that seem too good to be true, I met Dave, an energy healer, who offered me unlimited energy healing sessions for free.

I know the initial thought when you hear something like this is, "What's in it for him? ...Be careful. That seems suspicious." Except, it just is exactly what it is... a compassionate man who heard my story, intuited somehow that I could use his help, and so he offered it.

So how did it all happen? 

How did I manage to get a healer behind me, helping me to clear emotional energy and assist in my healing?

Well, first of all, a couple times I found myself wishing that I could do more reiki, but because I'm low on funds, I didn't pursue it. I thought to myself: wouldn't it be great if I had a friend to give me free reiki or energy healing sessions? And then I went about my business and simply forgot about the thought.

Then, a couple weeks later, I decided to join a meditation meet-up group. At the first session, having arrived early, I began talking to Dave, the man sitting right next to me. In his late 40's or perhaps early 50's, with a slight and intellectual demeanor, he looked to me more like a university professor than a "healer". We talked and he told me what he did for a living and I told him briefly about my health challenges. After the meditation meet-up session was over, I was walking out the door, when Dave stopped me and gave me his card, stating that he wants to be part of my "healing project". I thanked him profusely and told him I'd call him.

Glancing later at his card, I noticed the words "Jin Shin Jyutsu". I wanted to jump at the opportunity. But first, I had to google it.

What exactly is Jin Shin Jyutsu? 

In a nutshell, Jin Shin Jyutsu (pronounced Jin Shin Jitsu), is an ancient Japanese modality of energy healing. I like to describe it as a combination of acupuncture (without needles) and reflexology. It involves light touch using the hands and fingers along specific meridians to harmonize the body's energy. The fingers are seen as "jumper cables" igniting stuck energy to move throughout the body. There are 26 points in the body where energy is concentrated and specific energy pathways used to allow the flow of energy in order to balance the mind, body and spirit. Another way to think about it is hands-on meditation.

Similar to acupuncture, Jin Shin Jyutsu can be used for a long list of mental, emotional and physical ailments from alleviating stress, clearing trapped emotions, reliving pain and any other chronic or acute condition. It claims to restore energy levels, mental alertness, eliminate fatigue, and increase memory function.

The Treatments: What to Expect 

That week I had my first session of Jin Shin Jyutsu. Dave spent the first 30 minutes mentoring me. He began giving me a ton of literature, books and mentorship. "Change your story", he told me. "Don't give energy or momentum to the illness, to the word 'cancer', which evokes a lot of unnecessary fear... Think that it's already done... Give and receive love through hugs, which are also healing... When you drink water, remember it's not just water. The molecules of water can be altered depending on the energy you put toward the water. Send healing energy toward the water before you drink it". The more he spoke, the more I realized how much of a spiritual teacher he was. I just LOVED and appreciated that I was not only getting FREE energy healing sessions (which I try to pay for but he refuses), but spiritual guidance as well.

Treatments involve lying on a "massage" table fully clothed while he places his hands on various meridian points and holding them there for a few minutes. It's very relaxing and I simply focus on my breathing and visualize stuck energy flowing through my body. I've had 4 treatments and both during and after each session, I feel amazing, similar to how I feel after having had a great massage. After each session, I feel so ethereal that I have to take a 10-15 minute walk to ground myself before I can drive.

Jin Shin Jyutsu can be easily learned and practiced on your own just like Qigong. If you check out some youtube videos, you can teach yourself some simple techniques to incorporate in your everyday life. For example, if you are feeling worried, simply hold one of your thumbs for 3-5 minutes while focusing on your breath, making your breaths longer and more relaxed. It sounds too simple to be effective, but it works. As always, don't knock it until you've tried it.

I love the fact that I simply had the thought of wanting free energy healing, and a couple weeks later I met Dave. I had been thinking of reiki, but really it was just the energy healing that I was wanting. Not only that, but he takes time to also provide healing guidance as well. I am so grateful for this gift!

Energy Healing: 

Energy healing, for those who are unfamiliar with the concept, involves the manipulation of energy (usually) through a practitioner who uses his/her hands (or needles in acupuncture) to remove energetic blocks and restore the flow of energy within a clients' body. Most energy healing modalities are based on ancient eastern practices. However, even massage can be considered energy healing.

I've been reading more and more about how effective energy healing can be. I know many people are skeptical or don't buy into it, and you don't have to. But the more I read about it, especially the science behind it, the more I realize its value especially for healing. More and more studies are coming out demonstrating evidence that energy healing methods such as reiki, jin shin jyutsu, acupuncture, EFT, Qigong, etc. are in fact helpful for healing serious chronic illnesses such as cancer and heart disease. (see below for links to studies) It's not so much that these practices claim to directly heal the ailment, but rather that they release trapped energy so that the body can heal itself.

I'm currently reading a book, "Mind to Matter" by Dawson Church, which explains the science behind energy healing. It's full of mind-blowing facts. For example, studies have demonstrated that cancer can be found in the electromagnetic field surrounding the human body before it manifests in the physical human body. I'm excited about the future of medicine as it's beginning to incorporate more eastern, holistic medical practices including energy healing. I read that some hospitals are incorporating reiki and my insurance, Kaiser, referred me to an on-site acupuncturist, who I've also been receiving treatments from as well.

Try it Out! 

Anyway, ask and you shall receive. If you are interested in trying Jin Shin Jyutsu, and are in San Diego, I highly recommend my friend Dave whose office is in Encinitas. ( You will not be disappointed.

If you meet him, he will tell you his own amazing story on why he got into jin shin jyutsu himself. It involved a skiing accident and a knee injury that was completely healed through jin shin jyutsu. "I've seen and experienced miracles", he tells me.

Try Jin Shin Jyutsu on your own at home. By holding each finger for 3-5 minutes with your opposite hand while taking slow relaxed breaths, you will harmonize the whole body. Do this for both hands.

Alternatively, if you are feeling worried, hold the thumb for 3-5 minutes to relieve the feeling. If you feel anger, fear, grief or pretense (over-trying), simply hold the corresponding finger for 3-5 minutes.

Simple, yet powerful.

Studies on the Efficacy of Energy Healing 

Distant Energy Healing on AIDS patients 
Disappearing tumors in mice via energy healing


  1. This is awesome CC! Thanks so much for sharing. I love how Dave came in to your life and excited to learn more about this method.

  2. This is so awesome crystal! Sending lots of love!
    I’m really enjoying your blog. I love that you asked the universe for energy healing and the universe delivered!

    1. Thanks Jana!! Sending you lots of love too!


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