Tuesday, July 10, 2018

What is this?

Hello Friends/Family,

I've created this page as a way to give updates and to write about what's going on. I suspect the purpose is two-fold. One, to keep friends and family in the loop. And two, writing is cathartic and a release for me in a way.

I'm not sure how often I will publish updates, but I will try to do it often.

Thanks for being a part of my journey.



  1. Crystal you are a very brave and inspirational woman. I know you will be good as new in a short time. Your attitude is going to get you through along with your fantastic family. You dont know me but I am Sue Davias friend.I wish you a speedy recovery.


My Sister, My Angel

In January, I had yet another positive MRI, the third positive one in a row. The tumor showed continued shrinkage and was pronounced dead....