Tuesday, July 10, 2018

My Story at a Glance

My Story:

  • Nov. 2017: Started having moderate lower back pain. Pain went away after 2 weeks with a chiropractor. 
  • Feb. 2018: Back pain returned, but more severe 
  • April: 2018: I got an MRI and was told there was a "mass" of 2-3 inches on my sacrum. The size of an egg. 
  • April 2018: Got a Biopsy 
  • May 7, 2018: Found out the "mass" is cancer. Was diagnosed with "Chordoma" (a super rare bone sarcoma). Surgery date set for July 2. 
  • June 20, 2018: I requested my doc at Kaiser for a referral to see a Chordoma specialist at UCLA, but my request was denied.  
  • June 26: Got pelvic MRI to prepare for surgery. 
  • June 28: MRI came in. Tumor had grown to be the size of a grapefruit. Local surgeon from Kaiser throws in the towel (saying surgery is going to be more extensive now) and approves my referral to see a specialist at UCLA. July 2nd surgery is cancelled. 
  • July 9: I visit Dr. H at UCLA  
  • Aug. 5th: Checked into Oasis of Hope (cancer treatment hospital) 

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My Sister, My Angel

In January, I had yet another positive MRI, the third positive one in a row. The tumor showed continued shrinkage and was pronounced dead....